
Here’s exactly what we paid for our recent Disney World Vacation.

Everyone knows that a vacation to Walt Disney World isn’t cheap. However, with our most recent trip to Disney World (February 2019) we found that it is possible to find ways to save a LOT of money to make more frequent Disney vacations within reach. The major expense categories for a Disney vacation are: lodging,… Continue reading Here’s exactly what we paid for our recent Disney World Vacation.


Adult Tonsillectomy Recovery – Days 11-14 + Expectations vs. Reality

You can read about the first 10 days of my recovery process here and here. Post-Op Day 11: Weight: 129.8 Pain level (scale of 1-10)/medicine: Up until this point, I had not had much pain at all. That quickly changed last night! I took Tylenol around 9:30 PM, but by the time I went to bed later,… Continue reading Adult Tonsillectomy Recovery – Days 11-14 + Expectations vs. Reality


Adult Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy Recovery – Days 6-10

You can read about days 1-5 here. Post-Op Day 6: Weight: 132.0 (I’m not eating much at all, but I think the steroids are making me retain weight. I also think my body is hoarding the calories that I do consume). Pain level (scale of 1-10)/medicine: I woke up with pain around a level 3-4. I decided… Continue reading Adult Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy Recovery – Days 6-10